On Fire :-) 18.4.2022 I've had another busy week; and have been trying to pull myself up, and remember the insight I have been given by Tasha (NJC Life Coaching). I had an urge to paint my impression of Boris Johnson and #Partygate, (above is the finished painting). I then stepped outside my comfort zone and posted the finished painting on Grayson Perry's facebook page. www.facebook.com/groups/GraysonsArtClub/ It has now proved very popular, and I might even be considered to be slightly trending. I haven't managed to do any more re-decorating inside the old showman's wagon this week; but I am managing my time better and have concrete plans. I do feel like I now have the tools to move forward in a positive way. I'd like to say a big thank-you to Tasha for all her help. Summer is on it's way, which is always uplifting when you live in a caravan; and at the moment I feel like Boris's pants in the painting ........... On fire!. ..................................................................................... ................................................................................................ ![]() Life is a Circus 6.4. 2022 I've been pressing ahead with the make-over of the showman's wagon, and I've now finished the fireplace and the beam above it. I've painted 'Tiger Lolly's Fantastic Fantasy Circus' on the beam because that's how I've always envisioned it. When I was at Art College in Yorkshire my form tutor asked me 'How do you see yourself in twenty years time?'. I said 'Living in an antique gypsy wagon that is covered in paintings selling my art'. 'Hmm' he said 'That's all very romantic but, what do you really see yourself doing?' and to be honest I couldn't see anything else. We are all fortune tellers of our own destiny. This is something I've been re-learning with Tasha of NJC Life Coaching, to follow your dreams and don't let others put you off track. I've hung a lurex curtain over the computer and printer as it really didn't sit well in the room. Now it's far more intriguing, making you wonder what lies behind it. I painted my daughters holding big cats with ribbons on the ceiling 20 years ago, and it has now suffered over the years due to damp; so I will be restoring this, and also the roll top desk. (I might even paint 'Roll Up, Roll Up!' on it. It makes me very happy bucking the trend of traditionalism and letting my imagination run away with me. This might just even be The Greatest Showman's on Earth!, (well in my opinion anyway ;-) ........................................................................ ![]() Got my swag back on 29.3.2022 I thought I would have finished the overmantle by this week's blog, but it still needs a bit of tweaking. However; this week I find myself accepting that I've done as much as I could in the given time, and am praising myself for the work done. All thanks to Tasha from NJC LifeCoaching. I think the mantlepiece will be having purists pooping their pants. Neither the electric blue paint or holographic glitter are considered heritage colours; and when I've repainted the carved wooden swag, some of the round flowers I've changed into eyeballs! I will have completed it by the end of today, and then I will be starting one of the new projects I have written down in my ideas book. Unlike previously, when I would have had several unfinished projects on the go. Re-jigging my life and tackling annoying jobs that have needed doing for years is leaving me feeling more content. I am ACTUALLY feeling like I'm getting my swag back on! .......................................................................... Getting my swag back 21.3.2022 ![]() Alongside the artwork I'm producing at the moment, I'm also restoring the 1930's Showman's Living Wagon I live in. Years ago I bought a carved wooden swag from a car boot sale for £1, always intending to use it as decoration in the caravan; and I also bought two carved animal heads with the same intention. I say animal heads, as I've never been really sure what they are? they kind of look like lions crossed with monkeys. I don't know if it's an artist thing? but I often plan to revamp something or somewhere; buy the items I need to do the job and once I've got a plan of action, don't actually get around to completing it. It's almost like once I've envisaged how it will finally look; I know I can relax, and then the job doesn't seem to be so urgent. That is until I get an unexpected visitor; and suddenly the jobs that I'd dealt with in my head, but hadn't got around to doing are very visible again. A few months back I decided to put the carved items together to make a more ornate mantlepiece. I remember seeing a photo of Paula Yates stood next to her fantastic fireplace; (which I think she'd painted herself) and thought it looked fabulous. I cut out a piece of wood for the backing and attached the swag and the heads to it. I then fixed it to the fireplace. I was happy with the effect but it needed a repaint to tie everything in. The next job was a bit like the Life Coaching lessons I'm getting from Tasha (NJC Life Coaching). I basically had to deconstruct the bits I'd made, and re-work them to get a better overall effect. I'd roughly started painting the fireplace uprights too; but taking down the swag made everything easier to access, so this should prove to make the job smoother too. I'm feeling so optimistic about finishing this job and seeing it through to the end; because it will be such a joy to look at it everyday with pride, rather than looking at it with the heavy feeling of a job half done. The above pics shown the swag constructed, then taken down for painting. I'll show you the finished fireplace hopefully next week. It may take longer than first anticipated, as most jobs do. There are usually some little unexpected hiccups. Pretty sure that it will be well worth it though, to get my swag back better than it ever was. ............................................................................................ ![]() I'm not 'my' kind. 13.3.2022 It would have been hard to see the news during the last couple of weeks; and not be affected by the events in Ukraine. Social networks are full of yellow and blue posts in support of Ukraine; with the odd argument popping up when someone quotes a bit of un-fact-checked whataboutery. We are told that Russians have had their access to the world wide web restricted and are not fully aware of the situation in Ukraine. So; with this in mind, I decided to write to random places in Russia, with letters of peace. A letter to the USSR with Royal Mail costs just £1.70 at the moment, so I decided to post five letters. The letters may not have any effect at all but; little deeds like this done on a large scale, can have a massive effect. If you want to read more on this and get involved then go to the Facebook page I set up. www.facebook.com/groups/667240710994383 During the Life Coaching session I had last week with Tash ( of NJC Life Coaching) I mentioned that I was angry with myself for not getting enough work done that week. She pointed out that I had actually got quite a lot done, but I just hadn't stopped to acknowledge it. Then she asked me if I regarded myself as a people pleaser ? and I replied 'Yes'. That's when it struck me; that even though I often bend over backwards to help others, I am quite happy to beat myself up, rather than to pat myself on the back. I think peace and harmony comes from kindness; so from now on, I will strive to show kindness to myself too. ............................................................................................................. I'm a pea in a barrel...
Jayne Sparks
3/6/2022 02:48:15 pm
Aw deish, sounds just like wot I need x lush thanx :0)X
3/7/2022 01:43:22 am
Thank you Lolly, for blogging about our work together!
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Lolly GoldingThe day to day life of a Somerset Artist Archives
March 2022